仙台でビジネスにチャレンジする外国人の皆さんを応援します!外国人のための起業・経営相談DAY~Consultation for Foreign Entrepreneurs~
We offer consultations on business startups and management for foreign residents. Please feel free to consult us about anything you want to know about starting or running a business or any problems you may have.
- 日時
- 2025年1月30日(木) - 2025年3月27日(木)・30th,Jan / 2月27日㈭ 27th,Feb / 3月27日㈭ 27th,Mar 09:00 - 16:30
- 対象 / Target
- 主に仙台市内での起業に関心がある
Foreigners, including international students, are interested in starting a business in Sendai City or have been starting a business for approximately 5 years or less.
- ご相談方法 / How to consul
- 対面(ご来訪)または、オンライン (ZOOM)
Face to face, or online (ZOOM)
- 時間 / Tme schedule
- 相談時間枠 / Consultation time frame
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:30
- このようなことが相談できます / Consultation Samples
- ●起業に興味があるけど、何から準備したらいいの?
I'm interested in starting a business, but what should I do?
I want to know how to make a business plan and raise funds.
Should I incorporate it? Or should I start as a sole proprietorship?
I want to know about Japanese business customs.
- 参加費 / Perticipation Fee
- 無料 / Free
- 対応言語 / Supported Language
- 日本語 / Japanese
If you need assistance in English, please indicate on the application form
- 相談員プロフィール / Profile of Counselor
出水 彩子 / ayako izumi
得意分野:創業計画、事業計画策定 、管理会計、経営改善、資金繰り、資金調達
After gaining diverse experience in banking, infrastructure projects in Japan and abroad, accounting, and startups, I obtained qualifications as a Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant and an MBA (Master of Business Administration).
I support entrepreneurs and offer practical assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Consultations are also available in French and English.
Areas of Expertise:
· Startup and business planning
· Management accounting and business improvement
· Cash flow management and financing